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  • BLOCK PARTY, New Episode and 2024 @ B2B

BLOCK PARTY, New Episode and 2024 @ B2B

Welcome to the Block Paper, your weekly digest of content, news and events

Hccappy Tuesday!

Doing things a little differently in this edition! this is a personal note from B2B co-founder Bejay 🙂 

☺️3 Things to expect in this edition

📣 Details on our end-of-year Block Party

📣 New Episode details

📣 Partnerships & Wrap-ups

📣 Block Party - December 8th

​We realise the power of holding space. 
Space for conversation, creativity, and connections. 
Space for creating new futures as a community.

​So we’re holding space for interesting people doing interesting shit. People like you. Space for change-makers to meet others who also give af about shifting the cultural landscape.

​Pull up, connect, and make a difference while hanging out with others doing cool shit across tech, entrepreneurship, music, media, and everything in between.

​Join us for AWUJO — an evening of curated connects and immaculate vibes.

​We’re also extending the love by giving back to the community around us. 

​While entry to AWUJO is free, we kindly ask that you bring a non-perishable food item to enter the event so we can help families in need this holiday season. 

​Event brought to you by The Yard + art’otel London Battersea Power Station in collaboration with Blocks2Bags.

​Music curated by Free Samples.

Sign up here - https://lu.ma/awujo-winter 

 📝 Block-Posts

How Andy Albalous Won Gordon Ramsay's Future Food Stars Award & Built Drops of Heal

  1. Your fear of failure will hold you back — If you’re too afraid of failure, your project will never get off the ground in the first place. Through founding his own company, Andy found value in establishing with himself that continual trial and error only meant improving and honing whatever your speciality may be — there’s value in hopeful naivety and letting yourself try.

  2. Explore a niche within your niche to understand your customers — In trying to grow Drops of Heal, Andy and our host Bejay spoke about the importance of regularly going back to your consumers to improve your brand and solidify its presence within entrepreneurial spaces. ‘Exploring a niche within your niche’ isn’t as complicated as it sounds; all this means is digging deep and trying new niches within the space you occupy, and actively including customers in the process.

  3. Don’t underestimate the power of knowledge; learning is a constant — Ego in entrepreneurship is easy to gain, but even more difficult to rise above; don’t assume that your learning journey has ended after you’ve found success — there is always more to mind.

  4. Train yourself to train your mind — Speaking about the value of personal training, Andy highlighted the way this impacted his clarity of thought and approach to his business, particularly in being able to have the space to achieve calm and more time.

  5. Find your ‘why’ — What motivates you? Understanding your vision is key to curbing stagnancy and making sure that your business survives through bouts of imposter syndrome and general self-doubt.

 👋 Partnerships & Wrap-up

We are in planning mode for partnerships in 2024 - closing up on Q1 activities but would love to work with more entrepreneurs, leaders, and creators in our network.

We have a subscription service in beta in media production & media management for entrepreneurs and creators IG/TikTOk/Youtube - if your doubling down on your content soon reach out for a demo. 

If you’d like to feature on the podcast or in our live show’s do reach out also.

Please reach out to [email protected] if you’d like to explore any of the above.

We are testing out new formats at Blocks2Bags - so please let us know how you found this shorter newsletter and stay tuned for the announcement of our dinner series next 🙂

